Time: 2024-09-12  韦克威科技

Russia has transferred technology to China for 200 billion yuan, and two engines are also about to be delivered.

Although our country has achieved many achievements in various fields, there are also difficulties that cannot be overcome temporarily, so we have to seek help from other countries. Previously, Russia finally agreed to transfer technology worth 200 billion yuan to our country, which undoubtedly dealt a blow to the United States.

Since the beginning of this year, China has had one piece of good news in the field of space exploration. Whether it is the lunar exploration project, Mars exploration project, or even the construction of the space station, it undoubtedly does not indicate that China now has extremely strong capabilities in the field of space exploration, but also represents that China is constantly developing towards becoming a strong country.

It is rare that even the United States has extended an olive branch to our country in the construction of the space station, hoping to reach cooperation with our country. Although we have achieved remarkable success in the aerospace field, we still need to face our own strength, and there are still many challenges waiting for our country to overcome, among which the aviation engine is one.

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As the brightest pearl on the industrial crown, the difficulty of engine development is self-evident, and currently only a few countries have research and development capabilities.

Under the sanctions imposed by the United States, although Russia has not made any breakthroughs in its space industry for a long time, it has relied on the legacy left by the Soviet Union to possess many technologies that surpass other countries. Whether it is rocket engines or space stations, Russia has a high voice, and even the United States seeks help from that country in the field of engines.

Currently, the RD-180 from Russia is widely recognized as the best performing and most powerful aircraft engine in the world. It is reported that the United States once purchased over 100 RD-180 units from Russia in one go, and subsequently ordered dismantling and development, but was unable to obtain key technology.

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In order to successfully replicate, the United States purchased 20 engines from Russia, but the outcome still ended in failure, indicating the high difficulty of the project.

For many years, the United States has been continuously striving to break away from its dependence on Russian aviation engines, and even completely banned the use of Russian made engines. However, every time it encounters a bottleneck, it still needs to purchase from Russia. Experts say that the United States may not be able to achieve this goal in the next few decades.

This aircraft engine has been recognized by the United States, indicating its excellent performance. Due to its relatively late start in the field of aerospace, even though China has made some achievements, there is undoubtedly a significant gap compared to RD-180. If we can receive technical support from Russia, our country will also receive great assistance in the aerospace industry.

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It is worth noting that as early as 2016, Russia had explicitly stated that it would not provide relevant technology to any country. Unexpectedly, there was a turning point after the construction of the "Heavenly Palace" in our country. Russia finally agreed to transfer technology to our country for 200 billion yuan, and two engines are about to be put in place.

Russia's attitude has dealt a blow to the United States, and with Russia's support, China's aerospace industry will have another new opportunity. Now that Russia has announced its accession to our space station, the strong alliance between China and Russia has put considerable pressure on the United States.

Source: Guoke Huanyu

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