Time: 2024-08-18  maya

Weibo Hall A3144e Sensor - Brand - [Vekwei]

Weibo Hall Athree1four4e Sensor - Brand - [Vekwei]

There are various typesHall A3144e sensorTo monitor AC or DC current, it is necessary to measure it in many applications in the industrial, automotive, or household fields. Below, Wei Kewei's editor will introduce itCurrent sensingHow manyMethod:

1DC inductionHall A3144e sensor

DC induction depends on Ohm's law. By arranging parallel resistors with the system load, a voltage proportional to the system load current is generated on the parallel resistors. The voltage on the branch can be measured through differential amplifiers, such as current branch amplifiers, operational amplifiers, or differential amplifiers. It is usually used for load current< 100AThe situation.

2 Hall A3144e sensorIndirect current sensing:

Indirect current sensing relies on Ampere's Law and Faraday's Law. By placing a circuit around a current carrying conductor, a voltage proportional to the current is induced on the circuit. This type of induction method is used for100A1000ALoad current.


3 Low voltage side current induction:

It is a low input common mode voltage. The low voltage side current sensing connection is an inductive resistor between the load and the ground. This is desirable because the common mode voltage is close to ground, considering the use of a single power supply and rail to rail input/Output operational amplifier. The load is powered by a single power source and grounded through a resistor. The disadvantage of low voltage side induction is that it interferes with the ground potential of the system load and cannot detect load short circuits. The application of parallel resistors includes digital ammeters. This is a more cost-effective method than Hall effect sensors. Parallel resistors can also provide a low resistance path and allow current to pass from one point in the circuit to another.

4High voltage side current induction:

The inductive resistance between the high side current sensing connection power supply and the load. High side induction is desirable because it directly monitors the current provided by the power supply, taking into account the identification of load short circuits. The test requires that the input common mode voltage range of the amplifier must have the characteristics of the load supply voltage. Afterwards, the output is measured through a current sensing device and the load is grounded. 钳位式交流电流传感器就是为了限度地利用这些特性而研制的。随着工业4.0能源管理系统市场的扩大,韦克威已开发出一系列兼容30A至600A的交流电流传感器,以满足对大电流支持的需求。这些产品是一触式夹具,这意味着它们很容易连接到现有的电力设备。


5Current Transformer(CT):

Current transformerCT)It is a transformer used to measure current.CTIt is a widely recognized sensor around high current solid-state energy meters today. It can measure extremely high currents with low power consumption. It is also very useful for measuring or monitoring high current, high voltage, and high-power circuits. They are used in various power systems, such as power supply, motor control, and lighting control.


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