Time: 2024-09-10  韦克威科技

The Royal Air Force's' Beast Mode 'fighter jet will land in the UK' making Putin sweat '

A £ 100 million ultra futuristic fighter jet that will make Putin sweat profusely has landed in the UK.With the escalation of international military tensions, supersonic F-35B Lightning aircraft worth 300 million pounds have landed one after another at Royal Air Force Malham in Norfolk.

The threatening aircraft flying from Texas can carry 22000 pounds of firepower, including eight Jewel Road laser guided bombs, and is also equipped with the terrifying 'Beast Mode'.The maximum speed is 1200 miles per hour and it can fly at an altitude of 50000 feet; The infrared guided missile aims to surpass other airborne bombs.

These bombers were the first to use supersonic stealth technology to evade radar, with a wingspan of 35 feet and only requiring a 450 foot runway for takeoff.

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These jet planes were the first to avoid radar stealth technology.A witness who witnessed the plane landing toldThe Sun newspaperThe war machine will make Putin or any enemy sweat profusely.

They were the first aircraft to evade radar stealth technology at supersonic speeds, with a wingspan of 35 feet and only requiring a 450 foot runway for takeoff.They can also take off and land vertically, and will be jointly piloted by the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy to operate on land and at sea.This year, another three stealth fighter jets will arrive, and another seven will arrive in 2023. It is expected that the first batch of 48 will be delivered by the end of 2025.

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The supersonic F-35B Lightning aircraft can carry 22000 pounds of firepower.The Russian President lied and saidRussiaNo bombingUkraineAt the time of the city, although the United States estimated that Moscow had launched at least 500 missiles.

Vladimir Putin)Supervised itThe continuous shelling of Ukraine,Both military and civilian buildings have become targets, resulting in hundreds of deaths.

After an apartment building near the capital Kiev was attacked, it is feared that 100 people were buried under rubble, while a cluster bomb attack in Chernihiv resulted in 49 deaths.At the same time, it is said that special forces from the United States and the United Kingdom are preparing for a high-risk rescue mission to save the Ukrainian president.It is said that the current target of Russian special forces isVolodymyr ZelenskyThe military is considering relocating the president out of Kiev.

Protesters in occupied Ukrainian citiesWhen marching towards the Russian armyThere was a burst of gunfire.In UkraineDuring the protests in the occupied city, protesters tracked retreating Russian soldiers in Melitopol.

Russia also vowed today to take "retaliatory measures" against Britain's so-called "sanction hysteria".Despite the ceasefire,Russia continues to shell escape routesThe efforts to evacuate Mariupol have also come to a halt.

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