Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Comparison between Intelligent Power Distribution and Traditional Power Distribution - SSPC-ECBUs - [Weikewei]

More and more drones and fixed wing aircraft are leaning towards intelligent power distribution, so today I will focus on itComparison between intelligent distribution and traditional distributionAnalysis shows that if electronic 28VDC or 115VAC electronic circuit breaker units are used, it means that DC or AC electronic circuit breaker devices replace traditional thermomechanical circuit breakers and serve as both circuit breakers and switches for controlling loads. ByECBUsPlaced closer to the load, aircraft manufacturers significantly reduce wire weight, require fewer system components, and lower installation labor costs while improving safety, efficiency, and reliability. This new smaller unit requires less space and provides more flexible installation options.


From complex to simple and more reliable design and usage trends

ECB simplifies aircraft electrical systems and significantly improves reliability by integrating circuit breaker, switch, and relay functions into a solid-state device without inherent wear mechanisms. Provide a 28VDC programmable board or three-phase 115VAC.


If electronic intelligent power distribution is adopted, compact and flexible packaging can be used. Small autonomous ECB cards allow for tight installation with a single card housing, and efficient design enables convective cooling in the surrounding environment. The housing design is a common feature of DC and AC ECB cards, providing stacking of 1, 2, 3 or more ECB cards, including hybrid configurations. In addition, it can also effectively reduce costs and weight, eliminate mechanical and electrical equipment such as mechanical circuit breakers, relays, contactors, and switches, as well as stress damage associated with their installation, greatly reducing wiring and related labor to establish and install wiring harnesses and wiring composites

If electronic power distribution is used for traditional aircraft wiring, the distribution lines will be simplified and the wiring will be simpler.


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