Time: 2024-09-11  韦克威科技

The heroic Tashan Iron Army“

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The Army's 75th Group Army's "Tashan Expeditionary Force" regards the promotion of the Tashan spirit as a powerful spiritual driving force for brigade construction, inspiring officers and soldiers to be strong and capable, and to forge ahead. The picture shows the scene of the brigade in practical training.

The speeding train is heading north, getting closer and closer to the final destination of Huludao, Liaoning Province... Recently, more than 20 officers and soldiers from the Army's 75th Group Army's "Tashan Power Brigade" followed in the footsteps of their predecessors and went to the Tashan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery to participate in the annual "Revisiting Tashan Road" activity. They paid tribute to the revolutionary martyrs at the site of the Tashan Blockade, feeling the spiritual baptism of crossing time and space.

For decades, the spirit of Tashan has been passed down like an eternal torch in the hands of generations of officers and soldiers. Entering a new era, the brigade has always regarded the promotion of the Tashan spirit as a powerful spiritual driving force for its construction, maintaining the fine tradition of "no offense in autumn" and the combat style of "being good at fighting big battles, hard battles, and evil battles", inspiring officers and soldiers to be strong and capable, and to forge ahead.


I will never forget the comrades who sacrificed their lives in the Battle of Tashan, nor will I forget every inch of land stained red with blood in Tashan. The Battle of Tashan was so glorious and cruel, and I am a survivor. After death, I will definitely return to Tashan and be with my fallen comrades. "These were the last words of Wu Kehua, the commander of the Fourth Column of the Northeast Field Army at that time.

Tashan, without a tower or a mountain, was just a small village with only a hundred or ten households back then. The surrounding area is dotted with small hills, and the highest one is only a few dozen meters above sea level.

On October 10, 1948, the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Column of the Northeast Field Army engaged in fierce battles with the enemy on this precarious position, relying on temporary civil engineering works. For 6 days and 6 nights, bathed in blood and glory, our officers and soldiers sacrificed over 3000 casualties and captured more than 9000 enemy soldiers, successfully blocking the successive attacks of 11 enemy divisions and firmly planting the banner of victory on the battlefield. Tashan is like a majestic mountain that the enemy cannot cross and cannot be destroyed by artillery fire.

After the war, the 34th Regiment of the 12th Division of my 4th Column, which was stationed at the main position in Tashan, was awarded the honorary title of "Tashan Hero Regiment" by the leadership of the column. At the same time, 10 honorary platoons and 6 honorary squads emerged, and 12 people were awarded the "Mao Zedong Medal".

On the battlefield filled with blood and fire, the predecessors of Tashan created the winning genes of the brigade with their fearless spirit of sacrifice and the will to fight and win, transforming into the Tashan spirit passed down from generation to generation.

For more than 70 years, the "Tashan Hero Corps" has been renamed four times, and generations of officers and soldiers have fought on the battlefield, forging their lives into success medals, winning honors with victories, and continuously forging the spiritual highland of the "Tashan Descendants". They were successively awarded the collective second-class merit by the Central Military Commission, rated as "Advanced Collective in Flood Control" by the Ministry of National Defense and the former General Political Department, rated as "National May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, and continuously rated as "Advanced Brigade level Unit for Comprehensive Construction" and "Advanced Brigade level Unit for Military Training" by superiors for many years. On October 1, 2019, during the military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the honor flag of the "Tashan Heroic Corps" was proudly reviewed by the motherland and the people.

Today, the flames of war and gunpowder in Tashan have dissipated, but the spirit of Tashan remains fresh and enduring. On the great journey of building a strong and prosperous military, the Tashan Spirit, which embodies the values of "considering the overall situation, strictly observing discipline, daring to sacrifice, and daring to fight and win", carries the heroic responsibility of daring to fight and win, and provides a continuous source of spiritual power for the troops to cultivate their souls and cultivate talents, and for officers and soldiers to strive for a strong military.


How can the "successors of Tashan" in the new era define their "battle position" and better inherit the Tashan spirit? In this regard, the Party Committee of the brigade has always insisted on cultivating the courage of officers and soldiers to move forward, the courage to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and the courage to sacrifice as important contents of combat culture construction. It focuses on strengthening the mission and responsibility of officers and soldiers to shoulder the red flag, take the lead, and shoulder heavy responsibilities in the face of difficulties and challenges, and transforming the "soft power" of cultural construction into "hard work" that can win battles.

Training is not afraid of hardship, tasks are not afraid of difficulty, and fighting is not afraid of death "... Walking into the brigade camp, you can see battle slogans with the theme of" thinking about war, planning for war, and preparing for war "and cultural landscapes such as" battle stone "and" winning the wall "everywhere, demonstrating the atmosphere of real combat readiness.

Last March, the brigade integrated existing red resources and built the "Tashan Inspiration Garden" on the basis of the Military History Corridor. The names of 1832 martyrs were engraved on the English name wall in the center of the "Tashan Inspiration Garden". The brigade regards this place as a spiritual highland for officers and soldiers to understand the mission of the military. Every time new recruits enter the camp or veterans retire, an oath taking ceremony is organized here.

I am the 'Descendants of Tashan', upholding the legacy of my predecessors and following in the footsteps of heroes... "The resounding oath echoed in front of the wall of fame. The new recruits who are about to enter the camp know that they have a new name, the successor of Tashan; The departing veterans will never forget that they will always have one identity, the successor of Tashan.

Last early autumn, a historical drama called "Tashan Soul" with the main theme of the Tashan resistance battle entered various training sites along with the tour of the cultural service team of the brigade. In the drama, there are both the heroic deeds of our predecessors defending their positions and the figures of officers and soldiers fighting on the training ground in the new era. All with youthful faces and equally resounding military bugles, the sitcom brings everyone a reunion that transcends time and space.

In recent years, the brigade has continuously delved into its red history and focused on building the "Tashan" cultural brand. They successively arranged a series of artistic works such as music and dance dramas "Praise of Tashan", "Loyal Soul", and sketches "Under the Apple Tree" and "Capturing Lingyun Alive", vividly demonstrating the heroic and tenacious fighting spirit of their predecessors, as well as the spiritual charm of officers and soldiers in the new era who listened to the Party's command and remained loyal to their mission; Organize a party history knowledge competition on "Passing down the Spirit of Tashan from Generation to Generation" and a themed photography, calligraphy, and painting exhibition on "Tashan Soul and Strong Military Road", guiding officers and soldiers to revisit glorious history and remember their mission and responsibilities in a fun and engaging manner.


At the end of last year, at the "Tashan Star" advanced deeds report conference held by the brigade, 10 representatives of officers and soldiers from different positions took the stage to tell their stories of building a strong military. Meng Yongzhou, a second level sergeant who was just awarded the title of "Chief Coach of Military Sports" in the professional competition of the army branches in the theater, made a resounding speech: "I have never forgotten the excitement I felt when I first saw the slogan of the brigade. The spirit of Tashan is engraved deep in my heart and flows through my memory

These officers and soldiers are not only typical figures around their comrades, but also representatives of the inheritance of the Tashan spirit in the new era. In recent years, the brigade has continuously carried out the "Star of Tashan" selection activity, educating and inspiring people with typical examples around them, and compiling typical deeds into "Tashan Role Models" to be distributed to grassroots battalions, guiding the troops to carry out a series of activities of "learning from typical examples and seeing actions". Under the cultivation of the Tashan Spirit, new models such as Yang Cuiping, Chen Guiwang, and Li Rongzhuang, who have grown up with the spirit of "women with sharp blades", "elite and capable", and "capable of planning and fighting well", have become vivid teaching materials to inspire officers and soldiers to excel and achieve great results. Their advanced deeds have also enriched and developed the contemporary connotation of the Tashan spirit, making it shine with new brilliance.

In September of that year, a battlefield attack and defense exercise began. The 3rd Battalion of the brigade is facing an attack from an enemy heavy composite brigade. The officers and soldiers of the entire battalion cooperated seamlessly, using their tenacious will and unity to firmly block the "enemy" at the forefront of the position, and effectively guided the rear artillery and air firepower to launch a counterattack against the "enemy", tenaciously holding the position.

By cultivating the fighting spirit of officers and soldiers with excellent traditions in peacetime, we can only dare to fight and win in times of war. "Recalling this" battle "of defeating the strong with the weak, the instructor of the battalion, Zeng Cheng, was quite emotional." We deeply feel that these young officers and soldiers who have grown up under the cultivation of the Tashan spirit have taken over the battle flag in the hands of their heroic predecessors and have made practical actions to answer the question of 'inheritance'

Last September, the "International Military Competition-2021" and "Tank Biathlon" came to an end at the Arabino shooting range in Russia. In the thrilling competition, the cycling performance of the representative team of the brigade broke the previous record of the Chinese team's participation. At the end of the competition, our comrades excitedly gathered together and sang the "Battle Song of Tashan": "We are the heroic Tashan Iron Army, and history records our heroic names

Heroes never go far away, heroes always walk with us. In this fiery military camp that always holds high the banner of heroism, one after another, the descendants of Tashan are writing extraordinary youthful chapters on their positions.

Source: Military of Strong Countries

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