Time: 2024-08-18  韦克威科技

Is the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier heading towards failure? India's 6 billion will go down the drain

Is the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier heading towards failure? India's 6 billion will go down the drain

For the whole world, besides the United States and France, there is no third country with a nuclear powered aircraft carrier!

Many people may say that there are many countries that have nuclear submarines, but why are there so few countries that have nuclear powered aircraft carriers? Although both nuclear submarines and nuclear powered aircraft carriers use nuclear power, they are completely different things. Moreover, nuclear powered aircraft carriers not only need to consider power issues, whether it is cost, technology, manpower, or inability, the difficulty is greater than that of nuclear submarines. Although aircraft carriers are symbols of great powers, when it comes to deterrence, the deterrence power of nuclear submarines is obviously greater than that of nuclear powered aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers are more superficial deterrence, showing off their muscles openly, while nuclear submarines testing knives in their backs may completely cause fatal blows to enemies!

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And currently, no country in Asia has a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, which shows that there is still a huge gap between Asian navies and top navies like the United States. It should be noted that the United States has long abandoned conventional powered aircraft carriers, and the 11 aircraft carriers it currently retains are all nuclear powered aircraft carriers, with three Ford class nuclear powered aircraft carriers under construction. This is unmatched by any other country, and it also shows the strength of the US Navy. Other countries may not be able to catch up with the United States in a few decades!

As an Asian power, India has always had a dream of becoming a great nation. In recent years, India's navy has achieved unprecedented development, especially the construction of its first domestically produced aircraft carrier, which greatly increased India's confidence. It was completely independently built by India, but the progress of this aircraft carrier was not smooth!

It should be noted that India's first domestically produced aircraft carrier, the Vikrant, has undergone sea trials recently. However, this aircraft carrier has been submerged in water for more than ten years and is only now undergoing sea trials. The time is indeed a bit long, and before that, this aircraft carrier has also encountered theft, fire and other situations, which did not go as smoothly as expected. It has just undergone sea trials and is likely to be delivered to the navy for some time! After the construction of this aircraft carrier, the Indian Navy had already set its sights on the next one, and what India wanted to build was a nuclear powered aircraft carrier! As early as 2009, Anil Kakodkar, then chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, expressed confidence in India's construction of nuclear powered aircraft carriers and warships at an unveiling ceremony!

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India has been working on building a new generation of nuclear powered aircraft carriers, after all, India already has two conventional powered aircraft carriers, so it is only natural to build nuclear powered aircraft carriers! The name of this nuclear powered aircraft carrier is the "Virsha" aircraft carrier. India plans to spend $6 billion to develop this nuclear powered aircraft carrier, which has a displacement of 65000 tons and uses nuclear power. It is planned to carry 54 carrier based aircraft! Although India's aircraft carriers do not use electromagnetic catapults, India plans to use the United States' electromagnetic catapults for this nuclear powered aircraft carrier, which can greatly enhance the carrier's combat effectiveness. After all, this catapult method is also the mainstream catapult method in the future!

But everyone knows that India has spent more than ten years without delivering its first domestically produced aircraft carrier, which shows that the Indian Navy's technical strength is average. If it really develops a nuclear powered aircraft carrier independently, it may take many more years!

You should know that the first domestically produced aircraft carrier had many equipment and facilities purchased from abroad. Does India need to buy most of the facilities for the nuclear powered aircraft carrier it wants to build from abroad? Although the Indian Navy appears confident on the surface, this confidence is clearly unacceptable to the Indian people. Without even understanding conventional powered aircraft carriers, how can they develop nuclear powered aircraft carriers?

So, for India's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier, it is very likely to fail and turn to the development of conventional powered aircraft carriers, as India currently does not have the capability to develop nuclear powered aircraft carriers!

So, the first ship that India has always missedA nuclear powered aircraft carrier is likely to fail, and this failure is only for India at the current stage. It does not mean that India will not develop nuclear powered aircraft carriers in the future. Once the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier fails, it means that India's $6 billion investment may have no hope. After all, India may still use this money to develop conventional powered aircraft carriers. Although it is regrettable for the Indian Navy, this is also the current situation of the Indian Navy, as it does not yet have such strong capabilities!

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Indian people have also realized that India has not yet built nuclear powered aircraft carriers at such a fast pace, and they have just learned to walk and want to run? What if a $6 billion aircraft carrier sinks in the future? And the United States is determined to sell electromagnetic catapults to India. It seems that the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier is unlikely to be built in the short term, and this nuclear powered aircraft carrier will soon perish. As for when to build it, we can only wait for India's aircraft carrier technology to mature!

If the first nuclear powered aircraft carrier fails, the United States' electromagnetic catapult technology will be unsold. After all, India cannot buy it for use on conventional powered aircraft carriers, and the United States' desire to make money may be delayed! At least in the short term, electromagnetic catapults will become empty talk for India, and when they will be used in the future is still a huge unknown!

Source: Guoke Huanyu

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